Netflix Case Study

In 2019 WarnerMedia and Disney both announced that they were going to launch their own streaming platforms, which could be detrimental to Netflix’s business that has seen slowing growth in recent years as they have already captured 51% of the American population as customers and this would also take away roughly 20% of their content.

Through my Strategic Management Consulting class at TCU, we were able to analyze Netflix as a case and propose solutions to their current situation. We analyzed their finances, their business strategies, key resources, strengths, weaknesses, and their external environment. Once our team solidified our recommendations, we presented them to the board of directors (our classmates and teacher, nothing too exciting). We recommended that Netflix acquire Valve, a streaming platform for video games, and that they build a movie theater in Los Angeles as it is the entertainment capital and fulfills requirements for original content to be eligible for Academy Awards.

Working on a problem that was happening to a corporation in real time was incredibly interesting and we even got to see that one of our recommendations implemented a few months later!

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